stupid scanlator. stupid stuupiddd scanlator.
how cud u betray us otaku, u darn scanlator??
how cud u betray us otaku, u darn scanlator??
if ur so darn lazy to translate, stop translating, in the name of otaku fann!!!!!
your scanned pages are like, the worstttt! the pictures are okayy
but u erase the japanese talking in the bubble talk, and left it BLANK!
how could u!?? i'll sue u if i have the right to! (which i dont.)
your scanned pages are like, the worstttt! the pictures are okayy
but u erase the japanese talking in the bubble talk, and left it BLANK!
how could u!?? i'll sue u if i have the right to! (which i dont.)
gah, i hate u.