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Hello, Im the uberly monsterous geek, HUDA. I'll be fourteen this October. Remember that now. ;)

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im crazy, like crazy-and-happy-like-jumping-on-trampoulines-crazy.

i'll show off my braces, to form a smile, as it (braces) will shine under the sunlight.

i'll make a fish face, or even this honky balloon pout, and no one can read my feelings inside.

I'll gaze upon my reflection, and poke it with a twig, to make it disappear.

i dont smile great, but we both know it means a lot in a cranky smile. :D

credits to dayangduyung.
its either my smile, or her great photos;
or maybe just the great camera itself?
thankies. :D

ps: oh yeahh, i do say such worthless, meaningless things.
so dont mention it. XD


great words,man.


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Hello Bozzos! <33 im huda the dweeb,, well yeaa. the biggest braceface geek loser. i blog, well thats obvious lahh. Im currently thirteen, talkative. I cant keep still so sorry if i jump over you or give you a black eye. :D i dont do emos, racism, or narcism. well, im not sure about the narcism part. <333 haha, well,,, I LOVE YOU!