as i told you. lawatan ke karangkraf? not amusing.
they dont have great books. they lied about meeting cartoonist (tho i x kenal and why the hell shud i care?) and about great activities.
ugahhhhh. darnitss. went back all tired and moody, u know the fact.
so yes, pretty boring. all they did was take us to their workplace,
which seems like a normal pejabat. with no people. how clueless. geh.
that thing they call mini carnival? BUMMERISHY BOORING.
on the bus. nothing happened really. ugeh... just took a seat, and read novels while others at the back jakun. and they started photo-CRAMM-whores.
and why did i ever go to this carnival anyway? shah alam. familiar sudahhhh.
arrived at the mini carnival. all i saw was,less then 10 canopies, selling books and mags. (well, it is mini carnival. cikgu buat lawatan asias comics carnival x leh ke? gempak mags are much nicer)
mags dia,not interesting sangat. well, i had to buy something, ryte? bought mags. not really for the support of their 10th annual, its just because ada gambar pattinson on it. heeeeeee.
went back on bus. penat. blahhhhhh. ppl start reading. i start reading the novel i brought. "spells and sleeping bags" by sarah mylnowski. :)
12. something.
arrived at PKNS shah alam. dont you have any better place to go? we have PAVILLION, MID VALLEY, SUNWAY PYRAMID. An you chose pkns. cikgu, buat lawatan yg best sikit lahh. we ate lunch. Mcdonalds, and ppl start accusing us on supporting israelis. shuttup, man. madi was on low budget, she kept fussing about the prices. aint my fault ur not used to shah alam, miss. Dayang, Diana and me ate our foods with no fuss. i makan fries with ice cream, and ppl call me weird. THE HECK, MAN? its not my fault i like ice creams with fries. Aina ajar me that, and it was surprisingly DeLICIOUSS!! XD
1.15 pm
me and all others, creep out to SACC mall on the opposite of PKNS. well, first tatau mana pintu keluar pergi SACC. and on the way we saw a teddy bear, yang boleh gerak2. it was like a nightmare, the teddy sawdust stuffings dah x de, they replace with a robot-moving-thingy-machine. SACC :). Ingat nak pusing beli accesories. Went to MPH aja. madi beli Fatal Chaos with her last savings, DYG pulak beli 2 comics. oh best nya. nak beli jugak. but all the comics i dah baca. so yes. i thought mereka semua nak pusing2, since they keep saying, "relax, baru pukul 1 lebih" but then they went straight out. :( hmmmmmmm.. i feel like crying deep inside.
1.45 pm
creep back into PKNS. pusing2. And then pusing2 lagi. nothing to do. XD so we decided to go out kat taman luar. thats where most of the schoolies hang out. try to think of it, mmg odd gila for kids wearing koko shirts (which was ugly, blame the designer) going all around looking so pleased. kat taman, we duduk bawah a shady tree. thats when i got a good mood. well, green trees and grass are good fer the eyes kan? dayang and me got the mood of camywhoresss! i action pegang camera in position (berangan nak nikond60 or d90) haha. we saw cute kura2. heeee. they'r so cute. their heads pop on water surface. :D we were waiting for that damn bus to come, and that made my mood go away. in my heart i keep swearing, tatau nape. XD
2.23 pm
bas sampai. well, its about time! babayyyyyeeeeeee. naik bus, take a seat, sit, check if i lost sumting, and ZZZZZZZ.ugah. penatttt! kalau penat sbb amused xpe gak. ni tak. madi cakap nak pinjam my bahu, nak sleep. :l i cant sleep, the sunlight, was, killing!!!!! ugyahhhh! so i sumpat telinga dengar good music. and novel reading. but i got mabuk, so stop reading. nothing to do, so i gaze kat the moving scenery of shah alam, then the bus lalu USJ 16, great memories, man. Kat Usj, where the bangunan terbengakalai xsiap2 lagi. and the bridge where the homeless man with scruffy long hair and baerd. we used to call him man-under-the-bridge. :D great memories.
around, 4 oclock, lebih?
sampai sekolah. waited. and madi complain my bahu x sedap, x de lemak empuk. so yes, miss. MY SHOULDER AINT NO BANTAL. Madi balik dulu, and then i waited. and waited. and waited. abah sampai. masuk kereta. rest2 balik. giv mak the brooch i bought her. naik atas, tidur.
Hello, Im the uberly monsterous geek, HUDA. I'll be fourteen this October. Remember that now. ;)
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- lawatan. not amusing.
- yosh people!
- rocket in ma-mindd
- Everyone would want to rule the world.
- rules, the heck.
- valentines, ne? geh.
- my bummie hurts and it feels flat, ne?
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- monsterous.
- Hello Bozzos! <33 im huda the dweeb,, well yeaa. the biggest braceface geek loser. i blog, well thats obvious lahh. Im currently thirteen, talkative. I cant keep still so sorry if i jump over you or give you a black eye. :D i dont do emos, racism, or narcism. well, im not sure about the narcism part. <333 haha, well,,, I LOVE YOU!