today me went to school lambat. well, dah slalu go awal, me is tired! so me tell abah to send me lambat. ahhhh wats with the crap? i sound so innocent. infact, im NOT. So yes, tadi pergi school lmbat. but esok awal. :'( eaaaaaaarly in the morning buat sejarah modul. Man, i was soo eager. then at school cikgu kasi kertas soalan sejarah. Ungeeee in has 79 questions... start bab 4 ok je,,, skali dah masuk tgh2 bab 4... blank blank blank. hahaha! math pun huda dah tercengang tau. tgk je cheggu tulis2 kat dpn, angguk2. hehehee. Geo tade, so cheggu B masuk, kitorang dah like, UUUU, 3 periods of agama? YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDIN MEEE!!! but no. 3 periods of MENGANALISISISISSS our grades. GAAAAAH!!!! Tcher, ini kerja cheggu not me! kalau cheggu nak demerit, tEll ya what, I DONT GIVVA DAMN!! >:( Bm cheggu salmah x masuk, again. How do they expect tchers get high salaries when they dont do their work? haha, lu pikir la sndiri. XD kat blackboard lukis doodle of the 2 aman YB. then hisham got all "weyy, jgn laaaa" and "Dah laa tu!" also "AAaaahhh stop la" hahaha, then skali he got up and padam the whole biggadoodle. UUuuuu. So yes, i do get hyper in class.. Salam org pon lompat2. they think im overjoyed after getting out of tanjung rambutan. XD
Hisham: Weyy, boleh tanya kau sikiiiiiittt tak?
Huda : Hunh? WHAT?
Hisham: Nape kau slalu lompat2?
Huda : Ntah, dunno, dontcare.
Hahaha. Ya, i am hyper, and im sorry if i kicked ur butt or anything, rllly sorry. haha XD
masa balik, me n dyg jumpa mochi lying down kat atas simen. kitorang pun manja2 lah dia. :D Pastu Izzat (as in monyet, stated by dayang.) dtg nak usap2 dia. mochi pon manja2. skali hadi 2 amanah dtg lalu, ckp,
hadi: Weyy izzat, bebaik, dia tu jantan koot.
huda: ne ada! betina la!!
hadi: hukle mana kau tau btina jantan??
huda: Tengok la buntut dia mehhh.
hadi: Ehh, boleh ehh? *comes over* canne nak tau?
huda: *Goes farther sbb nak balik* kalau korang na tau, jantan, dia punya benda tu besar tau! Hahaha
Man, they were laughing. Tell ya, what are they actually thinkin, me knows nothin, me cares nothing. hahahahhahahhahahahha
Hello, Im the uberly monsterous geek, HUDA. I'll be fourteen this October. Remember that now. ;)
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- monsterous.
- Hello Bozzos! <33 im huda the dweeb,, well yeaa. the biggest braceface geek loser. i blog, well thats obvious lahh. Im currently thirteen, talkative. I cant keep still so sorry if i jump over you or give you a black eye. :D i dont do emos, racism, or narcism. well, im not sure about the narcism part. <333 haha, well,,, I LOVE YOU!
ahaha...wat lwk je dak2 laki uh..
g ingt laen lakk..
hahahahhahahah =)