hello. qina mintak breakup wimme today.
XD i was being honest, i told qina yang
amma called me darling. XD
so qina got like, CURANG! breakup lahh!
then i asked her; Breakup talak berape kak??
qina: Talak tu apa??
filza: talak tu macam bercerai, tapi boleh berbaik balik. merujuk balik. kawin balik. talak 1 , talak 2, boleh rujuk balik, talak 3 xleh..
qina: ooo.... talak dua je lah,, haha.
me: UUuuuuu. qinaaaaaaaa.... *laugh2*
qina: eh, eh, talak satu je laaah. hahahaha
me: yaay! so boleh merujuk balikkk!! yaay! berbaik ehhh qinaaaaaa?
qina: NO. Kau yang curang ngan aku. blah la kau.
me: Uuuuuuu. boyfren x reti bertimbang rasa,,,, aaaahhhh, biarlaa. *balik tempat.*
hehehe. to tell u, this is not coupling like, LIKE LIKE coupling, XD then after a few minutes qina came at my seat tengok i scribbling animes on paper, stufff, thingy. she bawak her new ribena case. :) i took my seal plushie and tonyeh it on ribena case. And it started. XD
qina: heyyy! janganlahh, ribena ni anak kita!!
me: hukle, anak x guna! *pause.* eh, ni anak aku lahh!
qina: nape lakk? ni ak beli ribena mahal tauuuu!
me: yelah, tapi ak girlfren, kau boyfren! so ini anak Aku! aku ada hak!
qina: tapi aku bapak dia! *long pause* ehhh.
me: apa?
qina: kita x kawin lagilah. macamana boleh dapat anak? pelik lahh! *senyum pelik*
me: Ackkk!! anak luar nikah.
me and qina merenung antara satu sama lain dengan muka blurr habis, and thenn.
qina and me: EEEEIIII!!!!! *goyanng tangan geli2*
hahahahaha. lawak dohh.XD
today cikgu suruh semua orang kasi supporting point untuk advantages and disadvantages of living in the city. cikgu tanya who prefers to live in the city. i sorang angkat tangan. haiih. kornag ni,, pandang serong terhadap orang bandar tauuuu. x ramai kasi points. yang dah kasi point lehh duduk. yang x kasi, dirilahhhh. gomeng merapu jawab;many cempedak, and whateverss. tergelak laaa.masa tanya disadvantages, RAMAI gila angkat tangan. Apa korang ingat BURUKK sangat ke Bandar? terserrong sgt ke bandare kuala lumpur tu? masa nak bisingg2 berebut nak jawab, gomeng nak cakap byk smpah masyarakat; he said; many rubbish people!! and banyak orang minyak jadi; Many oil people! and many clubnights! he wanted to say; perempuan murahan, turned out;;; many cheap women!! hahahahahahaha,,,, tergelakk siot! gomeng dah tatau nak merapu apa. sekali syara dengan muka blurr cakap; weii, gomengg, many sluts. gomeng apa lagi; jerit; cikguu! many slutss! syara dah gelabah,, OII,, sape sroh cakappp?
sekali gomeng toleh kat syara; SLUTS TU APA?
it was rlly fun.
Hello, Im the uberly monsterous geek, HUDA. I'll be fourteen this October. Remember that now. ;)
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- Hello Bozzos! <33 im huda the dweeb,, well yeaa. the biggest braceface geek loser. i blog, well thats obvious lahh. Im currently thirteen, talkative. I cant keep still so sorry if i jump over you or give you a black eye. :D i dont do emos, racism, or narcism. well, im not sure about the narcism part. <333 haha, well,,, I LOVE YOU!