Hello, Im the uberly monsterous geek, HUDA. I'll be fourteen this October. Remember that now. ;)
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hello!! im too darn happy!!
kat gaia i recently posted an art yang i scanned.
the art patutnya nak hantar gempak, tapi gempak mcm xnak lyn, so blah la kaoo.
dah post, biar je lahh. buat tatau sbb mmg xde org lyn art ak ni.
then tadi bukak2 ada lah 9 reps.
diorang semua cakap my art is worth 10-15k.
mana lah i x happy kann?? hahahahahaha.
so now, im posting my old arts yang mmg dah sedia touch up, and post it.
oh and today, tadi, whatever. airliur meleleh2.
kat gaia i recently posted an art yang i scanned.
the art patutnya nak hantar gempak, tapi gempak mcm xnak lyn, so blah la kaoo.
dah post, biar je lahh. buat tatau sbb mmg xde org lyn art ak ni.
then tadi bukak2 ada lah 9 reps.
diorang semua cakap my art is worth 10-15k.
mana lah i x happy kann?? hahahahahaha.
so now, im posting my old arts yang mmg dah sedia touch up, and post it.
oh and today, tadi, whatever. airliur meleleh2.
today me and others helped cheggu maheran.
its the SEKKOP like whateverss.
kena masuk nama murid, ic and ntah benda.
mula2 ingat smpai pukul 12 or 2,, then cheggu said
might be the whole day,
so half of me said; YAAAAY PONTENG BEBEH!
and the other half said; NOOO! BE A TYPO FREAK FOR THE WHOLE DAYY??
and a tii~ny bit of me whispers; umm, x ketinggalan ke pelajaran?
and then whattheheck, ponteng je la!
and i really think that guy is a softie, lol!
buat-buat-buat-buat-bendaaaa,,,, stuff/
diyana cant stop laughing. XD
i think im the one to blame kotttt.
thats when i called her dolphin. hahaha
sbb she laughs like a dolphin, ta caya ke?
it was a ttiiiiiiring day, betoll!!
bm kena tahan balik lambat just because
cheggu x semak our works earlier.
oh, and maybe kita bising kot? but itu mmg sifat sedia-ada,
balik masuk kereta abah was like,, =___________= at me.
what did i do wrong ma?? XD
its the SEKKOP like whateverss.
kena masuk nama murid, ic and ntah benda.
mula2 ingat smpai pukul 12 or 2,, then cheggu said
might be the whole day,
so half of me said; YAAAAY PONTENG BEBEH!
and the other half said; NOOO! BE A TYPO FREAK FOR THE WHOLE DAYY??
and a tii~ny bit of me whispers; umm, x ketinggalan ke pelajaran?
and then whattheheck, ponteng je la!
and i really think that guy is a softie, lol!
buat-buat-buat-buat-bendaaaa,,,, stuff/
diyana cant stop laughing. XD
i think im the one to blame kotttt.
thats when i called her dolphin. hahaha
sbb she laughs like a dolphin, ta caya ke?
it was a ttiiiiiiring day, betoll!!
bm kena tahan balik lambat just because
cheggu x semak our works earlier.
oh, and maybe kita bising kot? but itu mmg sifat sedia-ada,
balik masuk kereta abah was like,, =___________= at me.
what did i do wrong ma?? XD
its nothing really necessary.
im just bored.
its nothing really necessary.
im just bored.
Red Modani's
:they ROCK!!!!!
:I drool over them,,
Red Modani's
:they ROCK!!!!!
:I drool over them,,
im rejecting a secret admirer from nowhere, no need to be concern about this.
The Cloud.
The Guys,
oh, and like shit,,
the blogger image uploader lembab.
so whadda hell do i care. blehhh!
oh, and like shit,,
the blogger image uploader lembab.
so whadda hell do i care. blehhh!
please tag whoever and whatever like whaddahell. i tatau pe procedure dia pon. XD
What day is today?
Ummm, thursday.
Do you like, or hate this day?
Ummm,hard to tell. like kot.
what is your favourite colour?
black, brown, kelabu, white.
state 6 closest friend of yours.
1.Aida Shahiera
2.Aina Diana
since when did u know 1?
Umm. since i was six. :)
are you having a relationship with 3?
are 2 and 6 couples?
NAWWW!! they dont even know each other, and not lesbos.
describe 4's personality.
predictable. huggable.
have you asked 5 for dinner?
i have lunch at her house, often. but dinner, no.
Do they call u by any nicknames?
nope, i guesss. but qina often says huda yang baik, peramah, cantik, lawaa,,,, she bodek ppl. XD
which one of them do you think is BEST?
what would you prefer, chocolate shake or strawberry fizz?
if the ugliest/funniest/most humiliating/freaky outfit is the lasthing on earth, would you wear it, or rather stay naked?
Eeeek. ummm. if i have to wear it, i'll bury myself deep underground...
Are you matured?
naw,, not weally.
Would you gawk along the trip or sleep peacefully inside the car?
GAWK. hahaha. nampak pollution and accidents.
Are you taken?
state the last message you received.
"sori semalam salah hantar mesej" by ejal.
who was the last one to call you?
A strange number who hung up.
what is on the screen of your handphone?
my funnyface. :))
would you rather hang out with your friends or stay home?
hang out lahhhhh. haha,,,,
would you care if a homework's undone?
nawww. if yer dont bliv me, ask me's frens around.
What are you addicted to?
chocolate, lollipops, marshmallows, jellybeans.
Do you ban or support polluting?
if you could be an animal, what would you be?
do you like surveys?
hmmmm. ntah lahh.
do you think this survey is too long? :)
What day is today?
Ummm, thursday.
Do you like, or hate this day?
Ummm,hard to tell. like kot.
what is your favourite colour?
black, brown, kelabu, white.
state 6 closest friend of yours.
1.Aida Shahiera
2.Aina Diana
since when did u know 1?
Umm. since i was six. :)
are you having a relationship with 3?
are 2 and 6 couples?
NAWWW!! they dont even know each other, and not lesbos.
describe 4's personality.
predictable. huggable.
have you asked 5 for dinner?
i have lunch at her house, often. but dinner, no.
Do they call u by any nicknames?
nope, i guesss. but qina often says huda yang baik, peramah, cantik, lawaa,,,, she bodek ppl. XD
which one of them do you think is BEST?
what would you prefer, chocolate shake or strawberry fizz?
if the ugliest/funniest/most humiliating/freaky outfit is the lasthing on earth, would you wear it, or rather stay naked?
Eeeek. ummm. if i have to wear it, i'll bury myself deep underground...
Are you matured?
naw,, not weally.
Would you gawk along the trip or sleep peacefully inside the car?
GAWK. hahaha. nampak pollution and accidents.
Are you taken?
state the last message you received.
"sori semalam salah hantar mesej" by ejal.
who was the last one to call you?
A strange number who hung up.
what is on the screen of your handphone?
my funnyface. :))
would you rather hang out with your friends or stay home?
hang out lahhhhh. haha,,,,
would you care if a homework's undone?
nawww. if yer dont bliv me, ask me's frens around.
What are you addicted to?
chocolate, lollipops, marshmallows, jellybeans.
Do you ban or support polluting?
if you could be an animal, what would you be?
do you like surveys?
hmmmm. ntah lahh.
do you think this survey is too long? :)
hello. qina mintak breakup wimme today.
XD i was being honest, i told qina yang
amma called me darling. XD
so qina got like, CURANG! breakup lahh!
then i asked her; Breakup talak berape kak??
qina: Talak tu apa??
filza: talak tu macam bercerai, tapi boleh berbaik balik. merujuk balik. kawin balik. talak 1 , talak 2, boleh rujuk balik, talak 3 xleh..
qina: ooo.... talak dua je lah,, haha.
me: UUuuuuu. qinaaaaaaaa.... *laugh2*
qina: eh, eh, talak satu je laaah. hahahaha
me: yaay! so boleh merujuk balikkk!! yaay! berbaik ehhh qinaaaaaa?
qina: NO. Kau yang curang ngan aku. blah la kau.
me: Uuuuuuu. boyfren x reti bertimbang rasa,,,, aaaahhhh, biarlaa. *balik tempat.*
hehehe. to tell u, this is not coupling like, LIKE LIKE coupling, XD then after a few minutes qina came at my seat tengok i scribbling animes on paper, stufff, thingy. she bawak her new ribena case. :) i took my seal plushie and tonyeh it on ribena case. And it started. XD
qina: heyyy! janganlahh, ribena ni anak kita!!
me: hukle, anak x guna! *pause.* eh, ni anak aku lahh!
qina: nape lakk? ni ak beli ribena mahal tauuuu!
me: yelah, tapi ak girlfren, kau boyfren! so ini anak Aku! aku ada hak!
qina: tapi aku bapak dia! *long pause* ehhh.
me: apa?
qina: kita x kawin lagilah. macamana boleh dapat anak? pelik lahh! *senyum pelik*
me: Ackkk!! anak luar nikah.
me and qina merenung antara satu sama lain dengan muka blurr habis, and thenn.
qina and me: EEEEIIII!!!!! *goyanng tangan geli2*
hahahahaha. lawak dohh.XD
today cikgu suruh semua orang kasi supporting point untuk advantages and disadvantages of living in the city. cikgu tanya who prefers to live in the city. i sorang angkat tangan. haiih. kornag ni,, pandang serong terhadap orang bandar tauuuu. x ramai kasi points. yang dah kasi point lehh duduk. yang x kasi, dirilahhhh. gomeng merapu jawab;many cempedak, and whateverss. tergelak laaa.masa tanya disadvantages, RAMAI gila angkat tangan. Apa korang ingat BURUKK sangat ke Bandar? terserrong sgt ke bandare kuala lumpur tu? masa nak bisingg2 berebut nak jawab, gomeng nak cakap byk smpah masyarakat; he said; many rubbish people!! and banyak orang minyak jadi; Many oil people! and many clubnights! he wanted to say; perempuan murahan, turned out;;; many cheap women!! hahahahahahaha,,,, tergelakk siot! gomeng dah tatau nak merapu apa. sekali syara dengan muka blurr cakap; weii, gomengg, many sluts. gomeng apa lagi; jerit; cikguu! many slutss! syara dah gelabah,, OII,, sape sroh cakappp?
sekali gomeng toleh kat syara; SLUTS TU APA?
it was rlly fun.
XD i was being honest, i told qina yang
amma called me darling. XD
so qina got like, CURANG! breakup lahh!
then i asked her; Breakup talak berape kak??
qina: Talak tu apa??
filza: talak tu macam bercerai, tapi boleh berbaik balik. merujuk balik. kawin balik. talak 1 , talak 2, boleh rujuk balik, talak 3 xleh..
qina: ooo.... talak dua je lah,, haha.
me: UUuuuuu. qinaaaaaaaa.... *laugh2*
qina: eh, eh, talak satu je laaah. hahahaha
me: yaay! so boleh merujuk balikkk!! yaay! berbaik ehhh qinaaaaaa?
qina: NO. Kau yang curang ngan aku. blah la kau.
me: Uuuuuuu. boyfren x reti bertimbang rasa,,,, aaaahhhh, biarlaa. *balik tempat.*
hehehe. to tell u, this is not coupling like, LIKE LIKE coupling, XD then after a few minutes qina came at my seat tengok i scribbling animes on paper, stufff, thingy. she bawak her new ribena case. :) i took my seal plushie and tonyeh it on ribena case. And it started. XD
qina: heyyy! janganlahh, ribena ni anak kita!!
me: hukle, anak x guna! *pause.* eh, ni anak aku lahh!
qina: nape lakk? ni ak beli ribena mahal tauuuu!
me: yelah, tapi ak girlfren, kau boyfren! so ini anak Aku! aku ada hak!
qina: tapi aku bapak dia! *long pause* ehhh.
me: apa?
qina: kita x kawin lagilah. macamana boleh dapat anak? pelik lahh! *senyum pelik*
me: Ackkk!! anak luar nikah.
me and qina merenung antara satu sama lain dengan muka blurr habis, and thenn.
qina and me: EEEEIIII!!!!! *goyanng tangan geli2*
hahahahaha. lawak dohh.XD
today cikgu suruh semua orang kasi supporting point untuk advantages and disadvantages of living in the city. cikgu tanya who prefers to live in the city. i sorang angkat tangan. haiih. kornag ni,, pandang serong terhadap orang bandar tauuuu. x ramai kasi points. yang dah kasi point lehh duduk. yang x kasi, dirilahhhh. gomeng merapu jawab;many cempedak, and whateverss. tergelak laaa.masa tanya disadvantages, RAMAI gila angkat tangan. Apa korang ingat BURUKK sangat ke Bandar? terserrong sgt ke bandare kuala lumpur tu? masa nak bisingg2 berebut nak jawab, gomeng nak cakap byk smpah masyarakat; he said; many rubbish people!! and banyak orang minyak jadi; Many oil people! and many clubnights! he wanted to say; perempuan murahan, turned out;;; many cheap women!! hahahahahahaha,,,, tergelakk siot! gomeng dah tatau nak merapu apa. sekali syara dengan muka blurr cakap; weii, gomengg, many sluts. gomeng apa lagi; jerit; cikguu! many slutss! syara dah gelabah,, OII,, sape sroh cakappp?
sekali gomeng toleh kat syara; SLUTS TU APA?
it was rlly fun.
:D im crazy. XD guess wat bebeh? ma and pa lemme skip school hari isnin.
well, sbb abah outstation to cherating. who'd hantar me anywayy? XD then mak tetiba start packing my baju.she said, lebih baik I pergi. kalau duduk rumah bukan buat apa pon. And so,, PONTENG TO CHERATING! but not much pics taken. sbb takut henpon tenggelam kat laut. :'(. only tangkap a feww, so,, this.
blue ocean, nice seashells. cozy room. not much facilities. haiiih. guess wat, instead of convinient store, its actuall kedai runcit. and so the board says;
XD padahal x macam kedai runcit. much more to souvenirs. blah. the pub looks veery nice. tapi whattheheck, takleh masuk. :'(
abah went to the meeting while me and kakna main swimming pool and laut. exhausted gila. air tin kat sana 4.00 oooo. XD
me tidak going to school today! haha!
yaww, like whattheheck? its saturday lahh.
padamuka korang kena berarak.
ppl have been celebrating maulud for the last month already.
kita yg lembab. XD
come to think of it, its kinda humiliating to march along the road for maulud when rabiulakhir has ended. XD
me tidak going to school today! haha!
yaww, like whattheheck? its saturday lahh.
padamuka korang kena berarak.
ppl have been celebrating maulud for the last month already.
kita yg lembab. XD
come to think of it, its kinda humiliating to march along the road for maulud when rabiulakhir has ended. XD
today me ada ujian science, Maths, agama, anddand, KHB.
haha, tau tak, masa buat kh tadi terngiang2 suara cikgu membebebebebel. XD
pagi tadi kira byk jugak ter lepas cakap. apa lah. mencarut je keje. XD
sejarah and geo, me answer macam dah xde oxygen. XD
xboleh nak jawab dengan tenang, rasa bontot macam kerass je.
tadi jawab maths. Well, monyet sat beside me and he said i could sit still masa jawab ujian. apa ingat i ni monyet ke apa? duude, you're the monkey-guy,kayy?
lorrr. how should i sit still Duuu-huuuude??
i dunno why today might just be the most hypeeee day evaaaaaa. XD
balik2 makan dinner. mama masak sayur kailam and skarang baru i realize yg kailam tu sedaapp. :D
i end up finishing the green stuff anyway. XD
weeeee. well, ya. most hypo day eva. balik rumah naik atas amik skipping rope and jump nonstop for a hundred.
this crazy jumping habit started weeks ago. well, jumping makes a kid taller kottt.
i force my self to like susu. i looove cereal in glasses. :)
wahowahoooo! haha hypo hypo hypo ;))
today me ada ujian science, Maths, agama, anddand, KHB.
haha, tau tak, masa buat kh tadi terngiang2 suara cikgu membebebebebel. XD
pagi tadi kira byk jugak ter lepas cakap. apa lah. mencarut je keje. XD
sejarah and geo, me answer macam dah xde oxygen. XD
xboleh nak jawab dengan tenang, rasa bontot macam kerass je.
tadi jawab maths. Well, monyet sat beside me and he said i could sit still masa jawab ujian. apa ingat i ni monyet ke apa? duude, you're the monkey-guy,kayy?
lorrr. how should i sit still Duuu-huuuude??
i dunno why today might just be the most hypeeee day evaaaaaa. XD
balik2 makan dinner. mama masak sayur kailam and skarang baru i realize yg kailam tu sedaapp. :D
i end up finishing the green stuff anyway. XD
weeeee. well, ya. most hypo day eva. balik rumah naik atas amik skipping rope and jump nonstop for a hundred.
this crazy jumping habit started weeks ago. well, jumping makes a kid taller kottt.
i force my self to like susu. i looove cereal in glasses. :)
wahowahoooo! haha hypo hypo hypo ;))
bangaaaang. bdoh! cheh, xde keje lain, curik, je tau. padanla miskin. XD
kalau nak curik takat pen tu, mintak lah. mintak kat ak mana berkenan, ni tak.
yang dia nak amek je, yg tamau tu kasi humban kat tongsampah dan kat toilet.
apa bapak ko punya barang apa haaa?? U think i dont know who's the scumbagg behind this??!
dah muka pencurik tu pencurik je lahhh! kan dah kena, title post ni, khas untuk mu. :P
BODOH. EIIII. Apa, you cant afford ur own stationaries ke? KESIAN.
orang penat2 3 hari dua malam buat penciecase kesayangan tu, Dihumbannya dalam tongsampah tepi toilet. Eiiiii! Big assed FREAKKK!!! GTH you DFA!
kalau nak curik takat pen tu, mintak lah. mintak kat ak mana berkenan, ni tak.
yang dia nak amek je, yg tamau tu kasi humban kat tongsampah dan kat toilet.
apa bapak ko punya barang apa haaa?? U think i dont know who's the scumbagg behind this??!
dah muka pencurik tu pencurik je lahhh! kan dah kena, title post ni, khas untuk mu. :P
BODOH. EIIII. Apa, you cant afford ur own stationaries ke? KESIAN.
orang penat2 3 hari dua malam buat penciecase kesayangan tu, Dihumbannya dalam tongsampah tepi toilet. Eiiiii! Big assed FREAKKK!!! GTH you DFA!
(Kopi paste)
1.Sila tag diri sendiri sebelum tag org lain..terima kasih.
2.Bila anda telah di-tag,anda harus menjawab semua soalan.
3.Dah jwb tu,tag org yg anda nk tag,tp,TIDAK t'masuk org yg telah tag anda.
1.Siapakah anda dan apa anda wat di dalam blog ini?
Duuude. Blogging?
2.Jika anda d'suruh memilih antara PSP dn PS3,mana yg anda akn pilih?
Psp kott.
3.Apakah model enset pertama anda?Adakah anda msih smpan enset itu?
Haha, ada lagi lahh, NOKIA5200. epon lama cibai. still using it.
4.Sekiranya anda d'pilih untuk m'jd seorg guru d tadika, adakah anda akn menerimanya?
TAMAU. nanti anak murid buli saya, malas nak repot2 XD
5.Siapakah best friend anda?Namakan mereka semua.
OKAY, lemme seeee....
AinaDiana, AidaSHahiera, ChanSuetLeng, DayangNorhamizah, NurSyauQina, Fifie.... hmmm, tu je kott, banyak mau tulis, kang jari marah aku.
6.Which came first,the chicken or the egg?
Duuude, whats the idea? O_O Egg kot.
7.Between ulat and ulat bulu,which one will you take to play with you?
EWWWWW. enough with the cendol fobia, okayy!?
8.''I know you are but what am I?''. Do you know what it means?
9.Are you single or taken?
Stupid question, SINGLE FOREVAA
10.What do you think about the questions?Too short or too long?
HUH? pelik kot.
Soalan extra:(BM)
-Nyatakan ayat yg anda suka dr mna2 cerita/game/anime.Anda boleh nyatakan lbh dr satu.
im not a gamefreak or anime freak sgt lahh, but lagu ada,,,
-Jason Mraz, -Prettiest friend
"The ending of the story should be left alone,"
-Lily Allen, -Fuck you
"Do you really enjoy living a life thats so hateful?"
-Yuna, -Ku Katakan Dengan indah
"Semua yang terhenti tanpaku akhiri,"
-Christina Aguilera, -Candyman
"He's a sweet chocolate sugar coated candyman,"
haha, tu je kot. bykk lagi, but malas.
1.Sila tag diri sendiri sebelum tag org lain..terima kasih.
2.Bila anda telah di-tag,anda harus menjawab semua soalan.
3.Dah jwb tu,tag org yg anda nk tag,tp,TIDAK t'masuk org yg telah tag anda.
1.Siapakah anda dan apa anda wat di dalam blog ini?
Duuude. Blogging?
2.Jika anda d'suruh memilih antara PSP dn PS3,mana yg anda akn pilih?
Psp kott.
3.Apakah model enset pertama anda?Adakah anda msih smpan enset itu?
Haha, ada lagi lahh, NOKIA5200. epon lama cibai. still using it.
4.Sekiranya anda d'pilih untuk m'jd seorg guru d tadika, adakah anda akn menerimanya?
TAMAU. nanti anak murid buli saya, malas nak repot2 XD
5.Siapakah best friend anda?Namakan mereka semua.
OKAY, lemme seeee....
AinaDiana, AidaSHahiera, ChanSuetLeng, DayangNorhamizah, NurSyauQina, Fifie.... hmmm, tu je kott, banyak mau tulis, kang jari marah aku.
6.Which came first,the chicken or the egg?
Duuude, whats the idea? O_O Egg kot.
7.Between ulat and ulat bulu,which one will you take to play with you?
EWWWWW. enough with the cendol fobia, okayy!?
8.''I know you are but what am I?''. Do you know what it means?
9.Are you single or taken?
Stupid question, SINGLE FOREVAA
10.What do you think about the questions?Too short or too long?
HUH? pelik kot.
Soalan extra:(BM)
-Nyatakan ayat yg anda suka dr mna2 cerita/game/anime.Anda boleh nyatakan lbh dr satu.
im not a gamefreak or anime freak sgt lahh, but lagu ada,,,
-Jason Mraz, -Prettiest friend
"The ending of the story should be left alone,"
-Lily Allen, -Fuck you
"Do you really enjoy living a life thats so hateful?"
-Yuna, -Ku Katakan Dengan indah
"Semua yang terhenti tanpaku akhiri,"
-Christina Aguilera, -Candyman
"He's a sweet chocolate sugar coated candyman,"
haha, tu je kot. bykk lagi, but malas.
HEY HEY, semua!
me sign up baru gaiaonline. ;))
username saya; chii-chan9512
but rlly, stakat ni ada satu je customer.
heheh. ni orangnya. :)
her name is Asian Pride3.
Well, Blue is one of my fave!
since she's my first customer lah. haha.
i drew her avi, like this;
yelah, pujilah manyak2, hahaha, XD
kidding lahhh.
well, the artwork dah siap fo her,
how do i giv it??
nak tunggu dayang on la niii.
me sign up baru gaiaonline. ;))
username saya; chii-chan9512
but rlly, stakat ni ada satu je customer.
heheh. ni orangnya. :)
her name is Asian Pride3.
Well, Blue is one of my fave!
since she's my first customer lah. haha.
i drew her avi, like this;
yelah, pujilah manyak2, hahaha, XD
kidding lahhh.
well, the artwork dah siap fo her,
how do i giv it??
nak tunggu dayang on la niii.
me is given alotta work mann.
im stressed!! ada spbt thing, maulud banner, and the icky poster stufff!
duude! remind me again why im doing this??
im stressed!! ada spbt thing, maulud banner, and the icky poster stufff!
duude! remind me again why im doing this??
today masak cendawan goreng.
on my own tuuu, see, im matured now, ne?
but the first round, keras, tawar pahit.
the second round, tawar, hanguss, keras, hitam.
the last round? putih2, x masak.
haiiishh. i dont cook well lah. XD
if me nak cendwan goreng, kakna pandai masak.
hers is yummy. ;) abah ate my cndawan
he said it is like rubbish goreng. XD
haha. and not to mention,
minyak dia tukar warna jadi
cokelat. cokelat gelap lak uu.
iiiii yuckos.
on my own tuuu, see, im matured now, ne?
but the first round, keras, tawar pahit.
the second round, tawar, hanguss, keras, hitam.
the last round? putih2, x masak.
haiiishh. i dont cook well lah. XD
if me nak cendwan goreng, kakna pandai masak.
hers is yummy. ;) abah ate my cndawan
he said it is like rubbish goreng. XD
haha. and not to mention,
minyak dia tukar warna jadi
cokelat. cokelat gelap lak uu.
iiiii yuckos.
to make this thing fun, u will need;
-a barrel of chocolate icecreams
-cans of whipped cream
-chocolate shakes
-mango juice (pekat)
-a big bowl of whipped egg
-jelly beans
-water hose. ;)
-colured chocolate rice
-first, make sure u have everything, necessary, add some other fun stuff to make it awsome-er
-hold the ingredients in your hands, ask everyone to hold each ingredient.
-well, the fun part, of course, stump, splat, sguirt, everything on the person you intend to. haha.
well, wasnt that fun? id love to do that to my class tcher doooh. ;))
-a barrel of chocolate icecreams
-cans of whipped cream
-chocolate shakes
-mango juice (pekat)
-a big bowl of whipped egg
-jelly beans
-water hose. ;)
-colured chocolate rice
-first, make sure u have everything, necessary, add some other fun stuff to make it awsome-er
-hold the ingredients in your hands, ask everyone to hold each ingredient.
-well, the fun part, of course, stump, splat, sguirt, everything on the person you intend to. haha.
well, wasnt that fun? id love to do that to my class tcher doooh. ;))
Life sucks, this is just the beginning
Everywhere I go, narcissists bug me
Everything I do, they nag about it
Everystep I take, is like a stairway to hell.
whats wrong with you, mind your own business
Nobody's perfect, so whats your problem?
Get outta my way, Get outta my life.
What do you want, tailing me to everything i do
If i could just grab a knife
and stab my self perfectly,
wouldnt it be great?
to get out of this world,
full of aggravating humans
wearing fake smiles everyday
but when i was trying to stab myself, you came.
So tell me,
why do you care?
Everywhere I go, narcissists bug me
Everything I do, they nag about it
Everystep I take, is like a stairway to hell.
whats wrong with you, mind your own business
Nobody's perfect, so whats your problem?
Get outta my way, Get outta my life.
What do you want, tailing me to everything i do
If i could just grab a knife
and stab my self perfectly,
wouldnt it be great?
to get out of this world,
full of aggravating humans
wearing fake smiles everyday
but when i was trying to stab myself, you came.
So tell me,
why do you care?
this is my own puisi,
shooo, make your own and dont intefere with my life.
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- blahh
- typo. ;)
- the girl snaps. ;)
- ports of the shopaholic!
- skipped school. CHERATING BABEYHH!
- thy creature's 99th post. XD
- DAYANG PUNYA KOPI PASTE, saya dah xde keje nii.
- me is given alotta work mann.im stressed!! ada spb...
- cendawan gorengku. ;((
- a reallllyy fun thing to do. ;)) REALLYY!!!
- what i did masa maths period tadi.
- monsterous.
- Hello Bozzos! <33 im huda the dweeb,, well yeaa. the biggest braceface geek loser. i blog, well thats obvious lahh. Im currently thirteen, talkative. I cant keep still so sorry if i jump over you or give you a black eye. :D i dont do emos, racism, or narcism. well, im not sure about the narcism part. <333 haha, well,,, I LOVE YOU!