please tag whoever and whatever like whaddahell. i tatau pe procedure dia pon. XD
What day is today?
Ummm, thursday.
Do you like, or hate this day?
Ummm,hard to tell. like kot.
what is your favourite colour?
black, brown, kelabu, white.
state 6 closest friend of yours.
1.Aida Shahiera
2.Aina Diana
since when did u know 1?
Umm. since i was six. :)
are you having a relationship with 3?
are 2 and 6 couples?
NAWWW!! they dont even know each other, and not lesbos.
describe 4's personality.
predictable. huggable.
have you asked 5 for dinner?
i have lunch at her house, often. but dinner, no.
Do they call u by any nicknames?
nope, i guesss. but qina often says huda yang baik, peramah, cantik, lawaa,,,, she bodek ppl. XD
which one of them do you think is BEST?
what would you prefer, chocolate shake or strawberry fizz?
if the ugliest/funniest/most humiliating/freaky outfit is the lasthing on earth, would you wear it, or rather stay naked?
Eeeek. ummm. if i have to wear it, i'll bury myself deep underground...
Are you matured?
naw,, not weally.
Would you gawk along the trip or sleep peacefully inside the car?
GAWK. hahaha. nampak pollution and accidents.
Are you taken?
state the last message you received.
"sori semalam salah hantar mesej" by ejal.
who was the last one to call you?
A strange number who hung up.
what is on the screen of your handphone?
my funnyface. :))
would you rather hang out with your friends or stay home?
hang out lahhhhh. haha,,,,
would you care if a homework's undone?
nawww. if yer dont bliv me, ask me's frens around.
What are you addicted to?
chocolate, lollipops, marshmallows, jellybeans.
Do you ban or support polluting?
if you could be an animal, what would you be?
do you like surveys?
hmmmm. ntah lahh.
do you think this survey is too long? :)