today was like, the most torturing day EVAAA!! well actually every day is a torture. XD
my name tag hilang, so i decided to pakai kadet polis today. the tudung hitam x yah lencana so okayy. ingat nak elak demerit (darndemerit.) but still, kena. Well, whad shud i say? "FACE THE WRATH OF THE YELLOW PREFECTS!" ugah. shutsupsyous. well, they could make a lotta reasons to give you demerits. i kena sbb x jahit tengah tudung koko. WHADDAHECKK? why make that stupid rule anyway? well, turn ur faces to cikgu2 sekalian, they made us do it. oi cikgu dah tua, dah kawin, xyah la melawa2. ni nak susah2kan kita lak. n then masuk kelas lambat for that darndemerits. masuk2 kelas cikgu tanya "huda logo dengan motto dah siap?" man i dgr that question everydayy. GAH cikgu, have a heart sabar bolehh TAKK????? u keep demanding and demanding and demanding. GURAWR! yeah, i know you think imma hopeless keceriann ajk, so what, I NAK LETAK JAWATAN! stop being so demanding and cerewet already. and then you know wat? agama kena beli buku latihan. RM 5.00. i dont feel like letting go RM 5 on a buku latihan. ugahh. torture-torture-torture. i think i prefer sejarah than agama, seriously. omg why did i say that? haha. Geography, blabla. orang semua macam nak mati siapkan kerja dey'all. well, i malas. i mean like, what could happen if i x siap? nak lempang, jemur sepak, whatever, YOU DONT HAVE THE RIGHT. mwahahahahhahahahha. oh esok kena hantar sjrh omg x siap watevaar. Masa Bm cikgu salmah x masuk. we are the amans, and we make noise verryyyyy goooooooood. haha. i felt like falling down and die that moment. bising gila. now i know how izzat feels when he jerit kuat2 suruh org diam. haha. And chekgu tu suruh buat kecerian bla bla bla. actually it look like aini yang buat semua kerja. kesian dia. all i did was the chart, fullstop. heeeeee. i feel guilty.And then solat asar kat dewan, bla bla bla, whateverrrr. MAsuk bilik KH, and ppl are busy with their huge kursus files. i didnt datang the other day, so x dpt file yet. i ask cikgu, cikgu suruh carik at the BIG HUGE ENORMOUS LARGE cupboard kat belakang. well, not that huge, surely deyorang xleh afford a bigg cupboard, but its still stuffy. She was super helpless. heh. no wonder. Balik sekolah, I was SUUPPPEERRR hungry. ingat nak beli mamee 30sen, since thats the only thing in my pocket, 30 sen je. But then the oldlady said mamee costs 50 sen. Whadda heck? gah. u cant manage ur business well, i can call the health inspector saman u for burninng plastics everydaylah, so shuddup. And so yes, masuk kereta, balik rumah. i keep telling my perut to shuttup. heeeee. balik rumah, i found 2 bungkus nasi lemak. yaaayyyy. i wonder if i shud eat the other one?.... hmmmmmm,,, well, toodles. bye. love you. go on hating home economics.
Hello, Im the uberly monsterous geek, HUDA. I'll be fourteen this October. Remember that now. ;)
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- Hello Bozzos! <33 im huda the dweeb,, well yeaa. the biggest braceface geek loser. i blog, well thats obvious lahh. Im currently thirteen, talkative. I cant keep still so sorry if i jump over you or give you a black eye. :D i dont do emos, racism, or narcism. well, im not sure about the narcism part. <333 haha, well,,, I LOVE YOU!