dont ask me why the weather's friggin hottt.
dayang cakap i bawak buku macam x bawak buku.
well actually ramai dah cakap .
they ingat i magician apa?
padahal bawak doo. nampak sikit. XD
today makan kueyteow sup achik tu, pedas gila lorr.
me n madi n fifi macam tercabut lidah2 ngan bibir skali eating that hottttttttt soup.
uuuuu. :)
Petang2 sakit perut gilaaaaaaa. deyorang cakap i nak peot.
haha, mane ade weii, im too young duude.
masa bm, stomach ache makin terukkkk!!
cheggu Salmah was having lisan thingy with the guys,
i asked for permission to be excused, but what the heck,
she said, NO. directly. WHATTHEHECKK DUUDE??
org tgh sakit nak muntah2 ni,
HAVE A HEARTTT!!!!! i told my abah,
he said;
"kalau abah nak muntah kan, abah lari je terus keluar pergi tandas. nak buang hajat buat apa bagi tau org an? apalaah chekgu tuu."
and i told mommyh,
she said;
" apa punya chekgu lahhhh, mana boleh buat camtu. kalau huda x tahan, muntah je kat cikgu, atas baju cikgu, dalam beg tangan cikgu. baru dia tau, kita dah ta tahan, org dah mintak izin xnak kasi jugak. huhh."
haha, and dude, i like what she thinks. XD
she is my mother, mmg lah.
that day pj xde, buat that friggin PMI thigy.
what is'at anyway??
gah, whaddoicare kan?
Hello, Im the uberly monsterous geek, HUDA. I'll be fourteen this October. Remember that now. ;)
More about me»
today was kinda fun, boring itu, huh, mmg. i feel soo happy. ;)) anugerah matapelajaran bahasa inggeris terbaikkk. heheheheeee. mula2 was a whole lot of blablablayaddayaddayaddablablahhh by the guru besar and that abdul jalil guy thingy, who the heck is he duude?? macam nak tiduuuurrr je. no bags in the dewan, so no music in my ears. dengar cikgu bebel itu like torture gilaaaa!!! huhuhu. i was sitting next to alya and alia. haha, mcm miracle ajeee. iqbal yang duduk row depan xreti dok diam, nak tgk semua org punya sijil. XD then masa habis aiman showed up with her handycamm. haha, well, apa lgi, jakun lah huda. tangkap2 gambar org. :) nthen abah ajak balik after the jamuan ringan, he comes to enjoy jamuan aje, and then the PIBG, boleh blah laaa. haha, i wanna watch negi magi all over again, toodlessssss!

well, today bangmi and kakna balik rumah from deyorang punya Us.
kakna bawak balik her new hamsiess!
Uuuuuu so cutee. too bad,
kakna cakap the female hamsie yg bunting she mentioned the other day
died kena belasah dengan the jantan.
so now tinggal 3 ekor,
a female and 2 male hamsies.
i think the female trauma kena belasah jugak.
the males? they live in the same cage, cuddle2
and i thought they were gayyyyss. O_O
haha, esok ada that leceh anugrah stuff thingy,
just when i thought today would be a good day, NO. friggin NOO. my GEO punya nota got some critics. bad. uuuu. And BM was a fickin disaster. i became a duck because x reti sgt nyanyi syair. and whadda hell do i care about syair dude??! NOTHING. all the ppl laugh gila2 and call us itik. sheesh.And yes, i know some of ya talk behind me, sometimes REALLY behind me, and pisshhh, i have ears u dumbasses. sheesh. not in a good mood, so blah. and to those ppl who've been making fun of me, this song is dedicated to you, ESPECIALLY YOU;
FUCK YOU; lily allen.
Look inside
Look inside your tiny mind
Now look a bit harder
Cause we're so uninspired,
so sick and tired
of all the hatred you harbor
So you say
It's not okay to be gay
Well I think you're just evil
You're just some racist who can't tie my laces
Your point of view is midieval
Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
Cause your words don't translate
And it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch
Do you get
Do you get a little kick of being slow minded?
You want to be like your father
It's approval your after
Well that's not how you find it
Do you
Do you really enjoy living a life that's so hateful?
Cause there's a hole where your soul should be
Your losing control of it and it's really distasteful
Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
Cause your words don't translate and it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch
Look inside
Look inside your tiny mind
Now look a bit harder
Cause we're so uninspired,
so sick and tired
of all the hatred you harbor
Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
Cause your words don't translate and it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch
so far this is my fav song, and also her 'littlest things'
well, dayang, im not that alim, i do swear sometimes.
no, no, a lot. ;))
hello ppl!! smalam xleh blog since balik malam from metropoint. bestttttt, beli cd magister negi magi. half price lak tuuuu. and ya know, im starting to like girly shoes. u cant really call it girly but COMEL!!! metropoint dah banyak little stalls yang jual mannyyy byk things that i really want!! their shoes pon comel bai!! masa tu mak nak buy me that really cute heels, which i think is gorgeous, but iman dah macam org gila nak baskin robbins. sheeeeesh. and now, i will face my fear of girly dresses and heels by wearing them!! mwahahahahhahaha. tapi, i dont have any. =_=' sheeesh. today i feel so down mehhh. pagi tadi ada this really cute kitten masuk my house, so manja. but mom was shrieking like 'HALAU DIA!! HALAAU!! eeiiiii KOTORLAAAHHH!!!!'and then i bawak that kitty out, tapi bawak dia blakang rumah, senyap2 main with kitty. tiba2 dia masuk rumah cepat2 and kencing under the sofa. bodonye kucing. mak dah naik minyak. uh-oohhhh. mak suruh me bwk that kucing, and then she lepaskan kat giant. i almost cried, since its soooo cute. huhuhuuuuuuu. and say, kat giant ada dis realllly cute shoe. seriouslyyyy. oh shuddup u friggin brain. aaah. bye lah. nak tgk negi magi.
hai, xblog sudahh lamaaaaaaa. balik kampung. boring.
mak janji nak bawak us to summit but... LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE!
sheeeshhhh. kampung turned out boring after all. mak balik rumah kampung lambat sbb
she said pergi ber-urut. i dont understand them adults. why would they want strangers to urut them anyway? mak cakap nnti malam pergi summit, but NO. then todayy, balik pagi. ingat nak mogok with them, but x jadi since i cant keep my mouth shut after all. ;))
mak janji nak bawak us to summit but... LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE!
sheeeshhhh. kampung turned out boring after all. mak balik rumah kampung lambat sbb
she said pergi ber-urut. i dont understand them adults. why would they want strangers to urut them anyway? mak cakap nnti malam pergi summit, but NO. then todayy, balik pagi. ingat nak mogok with them, but x jadi since i cant keep my mouth shut after all. ;))
hello people. hari eni pissed of gilaaaa! cikgu suruh buat motto nthen nagnagnagblablablayaddayaddaydda. ya, cikgu, brag on, WHADDOICAREE???
sheesh. cerewetnya. esok ponteng sukan tahunan, yeaaaaayyyy. i feel guilty.
yeah, so wat, i dont think im needed. haha padamuka esok puddle banyak. mwahahahah.
yeaaaah ponteng esok! i'd rather hide myself under the blanket than watching bozzos do their act.
lagipun what's there to do on the astaka thingy? blaahh. esok stay rumaaaahhh. tapi mak suruh sedut habuk. :( well, esok i'll be the bibik of the day! ;) heheeeeee. nak balik kampung cepatttttt. im missing my dear cousins already. :D well, toodles mann.
sheesh. cerewetnya. esok ponteng sukan tahunan, yeaaaaayyyy. i feel guilty.
yeah, so wat, i dont think im needed. haha padamuka esok puddle banyak. mwahahahah.
yeaaaah ponteng esok! i'd rather hide myself under the blanket than watching bozzos do their act.
lagipun what's there to do on the astaka thingy? blaahh. esok stay rumaaaahhh. tapi mak suruh sedut habuk. :( well, esok i'll be the bibik of the day! ;) heheeeeee. nak balik kampung cepatttttt. im missing my dear cousins already. :D well, toodles mann.
hai! its been a while lah. well not exactly. today mak went shopping without me. ;'(
hehe, last night i tidur lmbat, abah was still watching soccer and i slept sebelah mummy.
well, sebab her katil is always the coziest! haha. long~sleep until then abah naik bilik marah me to get out of his sleeping spot. i terjatuh on the lantai, and then golek2 under the bed. tidur. it was stuffy, but still cozy. hahaaha. bangun subuh terhantuk. padamuka. lately i've been watcing ppl menjahit stuff, and that made me wanna try stuff. i pergi website skip to my lou, ada bykk awesome ideas! weeee. nak buat pouch, drawstring bag, and also stickynote cozies!! its soo cuteee!
well, toodles. dyg, ur hadiah postpone kayh, sorrrrrrrrryyyy.
hehe, last night i tidur lmbat, abah was still watching soccer and i slept sebelah mummy.
well, sebab her katil is always the coziest! haha. long~sleep until then abah naik bilik marah me to get out of his sleeping spot. i terjatuh on the lantai, and then golek2 under the bed. tidur. it was stuffy, but still cozy. hahaaha. bangun subuh terhantuk. padamuka. lately i've been watcing ppl menjahit stuff, and that made me wanna try stuff. i pergi website skip to my lou, ada bykk awesome ideas! weeee. nak buat pouch, drawstring bag, and also stickynote cozies!! its soo cuteee!
well, toodles. dyg, ur hadiah postpone kayh, sorrrrrrrrryyyy.
hello people. tonight a got fickin phobia. dulu i x takut sgt insects,
now i totally HATE them. with their sheeshy kepaks and their filthy six legs. EWWWIEEE.
well, just now i was busy myspace-ing and i felt like cold jelly under my toes. i ignored, until whats under my toe went sejuk-er. i tengok under the huge table, and guess wat.
there was a big FAT lipas terlentang, nyawa2 ikan. so i guess my big toe must've tonyeh it gila gila.
then i thought; omg am i guilty? and lepas tu, i went all; EWWW EW EW EW EWWWWW!!!!! YUCKAYUCKAYUCKAYUCKAPOOOPPP!!! I masuk tandas and then rendam kaki lama2 rubbing hard. ewwwwww. now i got phobia.ughhhh, filthy insects. Dinner was just a simple maggie with bawang and telur and sayur. i almost freaked out masa abah senduk bwg in my mangkuk. i thought i was a huge insect. haha. btw it was freakinly hottttt spicy (cili padi) delicious. alot of inhaling and exhaling, and also grumbling for ices. heheheeee. phobia mannnnn.
now i totally HATE them. with their sheeshy kepaks and their filthy six legs. EWWWIEEE.
well, just now i was busy myspace-ing and i felt like cold jelly under my toes. i ignored, until whats under my toe went sejuk-er. i tengok under the huge table, and guess wat.
there was a big FAT lipas terlentang, nyawa2 ikan. so i guess my big toe must've tonyeh it gila gila.
then i thought; omg am i guilty? and lepas tu, i went all; EWWW EW EW EW EWWWWW!!!!! YUCKAYUCKAYUCKAYUCKAPOOOPPP!!! I masuk tandas and then rendam kaki lama2 rubbing hard. ewwwwww. now i got phobia.ughhhh, filthy insects. Dinner was just a simple maggie with bawang and telur and sayur. i almost freaked out masa abah senduk bwg in my mangkuk. i thought i was a huge insect. haha. btw it was freakinly hottttt spicy (cili padi) delicious. alot of inhaling and exhaling, and also grumbling for ices. heheheeee. phobia mannnnn.
squeeze idea. squeeeezzzyyy.
im squeezing out ideas sekarang ni.
imagine u holding an orange(as in brain)
and u squeeeze it gila gila and keluar juice(as in ideas)
and then the juice jadi masam(and so the ideas were rejected.)
haha. btw, wishing dyg a great bday next week.
im squeezing out ideas sekarang ni.
imagine u holding an orange(as in brain)
and u squeeeze it gila gila and keluar juice(as in ideas)
and then the juice jadi masam(and so the ideas were rejected.)
haha. btw, wishing dyg a great bday next week.
hari ni pergi rumah dayang lagi. :Pstudy kat her house around 8 pagi.
it was REALLY rare of me to study pagi2.
hehe. and then fatin datang. yaaaayyyyyy!
main main kucing study study study. XD
And then it was heavily raining, noon.
ooooohhhhmyyyy. i hate you, rain. but i do love you! oh shuttup brain.
baru basuh kasut, that noon jugak my shoes jadi swimming pool.
brrr. sejuk. sejuuuuukkkk. seriously, fickin hackin cold.
well, banyak homework. i hate you homework, and i'll hate yousss forevers and eversss suuuu.
Masa BM cikgu masuk lambat gila so, you know;
them ppl start to paaarrr-taaaaaaaaaaaayyyy! bisng weh.
but i love it when i am too. haha. XD fatin, farah, dayang n aini made me laugh so hard.
this all started when dayang suruh mereka speaking.
and they started speaking, making jokes. and i started laughing like super retarded?
i couldnt help it seriously. and thats when my semput got real baaaadddd.
i couldnt breathe normally. haha. padamuka, tulah, ketawa lagi. haha.
i cant speak properly. nak speak out? i'll sound like a wonderpet with a scary voice. hehe.
haha. malas nak taip mannnnn, so, bubbyyyyeeeee!
today was like, the most torturing day EVAAA!! well actually every day is a torture. XD
my name tag hilang, so i decided to pakai kadet polis today. the tudung hitam x yah lencana so okayy. ingat nak elak demerit (darndemerit.) but still, kena. Well, whad shud i say? "FACE THE WRATH OF THE YELLOW PREFECTS!" ugah. shutsupsyous. well, they could make a lotta reasons to give you demerits. i kena sbb x jahit tengah tudung koko. WHADDAHECKK? why make that stupid rule anyway? well, turn ur faces to cikgu2 sekalian, they made us do it. oi cikgu dah tua, dah kawin, xyah la melawa2. ni nak susah2kan kita lak. n then masuk kelas lambat for that darndemerits. masuk2 kelas cikgu tanya "huda logo dengan motto dah siap?" man i dgr that question everydayy. GAH cikgu, have a heart sabar bolehh TAKK????? u keep demanding and demanding and demanding. GURAWR! yeah, i know you think imma hopeless keceriann ajk, so what, I NAK LETAK JAWATAN! stop being so demanding and cerewet already. and then you know wat? agama kena beli buku latihan. RM 5.00. i dont feel like letting go RM 5 on a buku latihan. ugahh. torture-torture-torture. i think i prefer sejarah than agama, seriously. omg why did i say that? haha. Geography, blabla. orang semua macam nak mati siapkan kerja dey'all. well, i malas. i mean like, what could happen if i x siap? nak lempang, jemur sepak, whatever, YOU DONT HAVE THE RIGHT. mwahahahahhahahahha. oh esok kena hantar sjrh omg x siap watevaar. Masa Bm cikgu salmah x masuk. we are the amans, and we make noise verryyyyy goooooooood. haha. i felt like falling down and die that moment. bising gila. now i know how izzat feels when he jerit kuat2 suruh org diam. haha. And chekgu tu suruh buat kecerian bla bla bla. actually it look like aini yang buat semua kerja. kesian dia. all i did was the chart, fullstop. heeeeee. i feel guilty.And then solat asar kat dewan, bla bla bla, whateverrrr. MAsuk bilik KH, and ppl are busy with their huge kursus files. i didnt datang the other day, so x dpt file yet. i ask cikgu, cikgu suruh carik at the BIG HUGE ENORMOUS LARGE cupboard kat belakang. well, not that huge, surely deyorang xleh afford a bigg cupboard, but its still stuffy. She was super helpless. heh. no wonder. Balik sekolah, I was SUUPPPEERRR hungry. ingat nak beli mamee 30sen, since thats the only thing in my pocket, 30 sen je. But then the oldlady said mamee costs 50 sen. Whadda heck? gah. u cant manage ur business well, i can call the health inspector saman u for burninng plastics everydaylah, so shuddup. And so yes, masuk kereta, balik rumah. i keep telling my perut to shuttup. heeeee. balik rumah, i found 2 bungkus nasi lemak. yaaayyyy. i wonder if i shud eat the other one?.... hmmmmmm,,, well, toodles. bye. love you. go on hating home economics.
my name tag hilang, so i decided to pakai kadet polis today. the tudung hitam x yah lencana so okayy. ingat nak elak demerit (darndemerit.) but still, kena. Well, whad shud i say? "FACE THE WRATH OF THE YELLOW PREFECTS!" ugah. shutsupsyous. well, they could make a lotta reasons to give you demerits. i kena sbb x jahit tengah tudung koko. WHADDAHECKK? why make that stupid rule anyway? well, turn ur faces to cikgu2 sekalian, they made us do it. oi cikgu dah tua, dah kawin, xyah la melawa2. ni nak susah2kan kita lak. n then masuk kelas lambat for that darndemerits. masuk2 kelas cikgu tanya "huda logo dengan motto dah siap?" man i dgr that question everydayy. GAH cikgu, have a heart sabar bolehh TAKK????? u keep demanding and demanding and demanding. GURAWR! yeah, i know you think imma hopeless keceriann ajk, so what, I NAK LETAK JAWATAN! stop being so demanding and cerewet already. and then you know wat? agama kena beli buku latihan. RM 5.00. i dont feel like letting go RM 5 on a buku latihan. ugahh. torture-torture-torture. i think i prefer sejarah than agama, seriously. omg why did i say that? haha. Geography, blabla. orang semua macam nak mati siapkan kerja dey'all. well, i malas. i mean like, what could happen if i x siap? nak lempang, jemur sepak, whatever, YOU DONT HAVE THE RIGHT. mwahahahahhahahahha. oh esok kena hantar sjrh omg x siap watevaar. Masa Bm cikgu salmah x masuk. we are the amans, and we make noise verryyyyy goooooooood. haha. i felt like falling down and die that moment. bising gila. now i know how izzat feels when he jerit kuat2 suruh org diam. haha. And chekgu tu suruh buat kecerian bla bla bla. actually it look like aini yang buat semua kerja. kesian dia. all i did was the chart, fullstop. heeeeee. i feel guilty.And then solat asar kat dewan, bla bla bla, whateverrrr. MAsuk bilik KH, and ppl are busy with their huge kursus files. i didnt datang the other day, so x dpt file yet. i ask cikgu, cikgu suruh carik at the BIG HUGE ENORMOUS LARGE cupboard kat belakang. well, not that huge, surely deyorang xleh afford a bigg cupboard, but its still stuffy. She was super helpless. heh. no wonder. Balik sekolah, I was SUUPPPEERRR hungry. ingat nak beli mamee 30sen, since thats the only thing in my pocket, 30 sen je. But then the oldlady said mamee costs 50 sen. Whadda heck? gah. u cant manage ur business well, i can call the health inspector saman u for burninng plastics everydaylah, so shuddup. And so yes, masuk kereta, balik rumah. i keep telling my perut to shuttup. heeeee. balik rumah, i found 2 bungkus nasi lemak. yaaayyyy. i wonder if i shud eat the other one?.... hmmmmmm,,, well, toodles. bye. love you. go on hating home economics.
hello. :D
i feel wicked charmed!
maybe u guys pernah dgr metro station.
i ignore dulu, but not anymore.
my otak recieve influences lembab. haha. XD
well, i watched their video "shake it"
the vocal plus guitarist, trace cyrus is an older brother of miley.
well, not biogically. he's not like prince charming handsome,
he's like WICKED-faced handsome!!!!! he's got the cunning sly-eye.
the lead vocal plus guitarist, Mason Musso.
elder bro of mitcel muso in hannah montana.
i like the little bro mitchel, cuz he's funny.
the big bro, mason sbb his voice is nice. XD
he's got nice eyes, and pink lippos! XD
what a heart throbber. heeeeeeee.
i feel wicked charmed!
maybe u guys pernah dgr metro station.
i ignore dulu, but not anymore.
my otak recieve influences lembab. haha. XD
well, i watched their video "shake it"
the vocal plus guitarist, trace cyrus is an older brother of miley.
well, not biogically. he's not like prince charming handsome,
he's like WICKED-faced handsome!!!!! he's got the cunning sly-eye.
the lead vocal plus guitarist, Mason Musso.
elder bro of mitcel muso in hannah montana.
i like the little bro mitchel, cuz he's funny.
the big bro, mason sbb his voice is nice. XD
he's got nice eyes, and pink lippos! XD
what a heart throbber. heeeeeeee.
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- sharp n pointy plak edges, ;))
- PHOTOBUCKET; baru sign up. ;))
- ducklings in school, pfft;
- ooohhh. niiceeee....
- Why mogok never works?
- hello, hello, and hello people. :)
- skip to my lou.
- and i was like; What-the-EWWWWW!!!!!!
- squeeze it mann.
- thurs-good-day
- influenced. :)

- monsterous.
- Hello Bozzos! <33 im huda the dweeb,, well yeaa. the biggest braceface geek loser. i blog, well thats obvious lahh. Im currently thirteen, talkative. I cant keep still so sorry if i jump over you or give you a black eye. :D i dont do emos, racism, or narcism. well, im not sure about the narcism part. <333 haha, well,,, I LOVE YOU!