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Hello, Im the uberly monsterous geek, HUDA. I'll be fourteen this October. Remember that now. ;)

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I've been hating you ever since!
Hello people. Nothing much to say rather than the hot burning of hatred. Went to school around 7.30. Yea, Nothing to do pagi pagi than hang out with the sagas having their latihan, eh? haha. Yea, I malas nak bawak baju around, so i stinked myself, to be honest. XD And you know what? I feel like going back in time and make the lesson 'History' never ever existed. You should probably have the same idea. Because If u dont, ur not human. XD kidding...
Im supposed to explain How Raffles got Singupura at the 1st place. And what do i care about this Raffles guy? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
History go away, We dont like you,
Why is there ever history,
for its making my head go POOF. ;)
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Hello Bozzos! <33 im huda the dweeb,, well yeaa. the biggest braceface geek loser. i blog, well thats obvious lahh. Im currently thirteen, talkative. I cant keep still so sorry if i jump over you or give you a black eye. :D i dont do emos, racism, or narcism. well, im not sure about the narcism part. <333 haha, well,,, I LOVE YOU!