alaaahhh, bosan ah weh. ni pun huda dah xde benda nak buat.
and i found out that rubik is actually kind off, sort off, awesome. literally. i mean after 6 months living with it, dah memang nazak like that baru i know how to play now. XD
but i'll get bored eventually laa, trust me. XD
and hey, im freakin terharu doh today. ^^ guess wat? my geo A kot? Cam gila ahh nak nangis!!
but we all know i dont cry in public, i have pride, oke. supeeer terharu i lukis macam melompat2 at the OMR piece! i lukis gambar chibis cheering! whahahahaha; like; UH-HUH! HOOYYEAAH! I ROOOCK! HELL YEAH! LALALA! WOOT! YOSHH!!" now can u imagine how effin happy i was? ^^ i got 5As and 3bs. whahahahahaaooooo!
Hello, Im the uberly monsterous geek, HUDA. I'll be fourteen this October. Remember that now. ;)
More about me»
so, hello guys huda dah lama x post (dyg, its your fault i get addicted to gaia XD)
so here, a video that i actually find very fucking cool!!! best woo. XD
dulu tengok fred figglehorn, sekarang tengok Desand nate
wooot, tuesday pergi usj. <333
i love usj, i missed it badly gilaaaaaaa!
dtg rumah aina, play play play playaaaaayyyyyyy,
pastu dinner kat kfc, pastu balik rumah main WII. :D
aina ada phone baru, apa tah jadi kat iphone dia tu. =.=
lalalala playyyyy gaia, play play play play. macam xde keje je. XD
tidor lambat gila kot, semangat esok 7.30 nak joging, huda bgun kol 10, aina n farah pukul 11.
muahahaha. sejam tunngu aina bgun, main gaia lerr.
1.30 something pergi sunwayyyyyy. yaaaaay. beli movie tikets, night at the museum 2.
gila syok! the whole cinema bergegar gelak gilagila. XD the new characters mmg gilaaaa gempak!
pastu jalan jalan jalan, pergi catch up. beli t-shirt 29.90. waaah. rlly, i hav bad taste, and i x pandai pilih baju gilaaaa. XD aina punya baju lawa, it says "I'M LOST, take me home please?" gila cuteeee, tapi writings dia warna pink. =.=. makan Auntie Anne's. bersepah, cam budak2. jalan jalan jalan. saaaaaaampai penat. Masa nak blik bumped into syasya n intan and her frns.
diorang hug2, i space out kejap. xtau nape. bukan x rindu diorang, rindu gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kot!!
tapi x tau nak ckp apa, so i stayed speechless, macam tugu je. XD
i love usj, i missed it badly gilaaaaaaa!
dtg rumah aina, play play play playaaaaayyyyyyy,
pastu dinner kat kfc, pastu balik rumah main WII. :D
aina ada phone baru, apa tah jadi kat iphone dia tu. =.=
lalalala playyyyy gaia, play play play play. macam xde keje je. XD
tidor lambat gila kot, semangat esok 7.30 nak joging, huda bgun kol 10, aina n farah pukul 11.
muahahaha. sejam tunngu aina bgun, main gaia lerr.
1.30 something pergi sunwayyyyyy. yaaaaay. beli movie tikets, night at the museum 2.
gila syok! the whole cinema bergegar gelak gilagila. XD the new characters mmg gilaaaa gempak!
pastu jalan jalan jalan, pergi catch up. beli t-shirt 29.90. waaah. rlly, i hav bad taste, and i x pandai pilih baju gilaaaa. XD aina punya baju lawa, it says "I'M LOST, take me home please?" gila cuteeee, tapi writings dia warna pink. =.=. makan Auntie Anne's. bersepah, cam budak2. jalan jalan jalan. saaaaaaampai penat. Masa nak blik bumped into syasya n intan and her frns.
diorang hug2, i space out kejap. xtau nape. bukan x rindu diorang, rindu gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kot!!
tapi x tau nak ckp apa, so i stayed speechless, macam tugu je. XD
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- monsterous.
- Hello Bozzos! <33 im huda the dweeb,, well yeaa. the biggest braceface geek loser. i blog, well thats obvious lahh. Im currently thirteen, talkative. I cant keep still so sorry if i jump over you or give you a black eye. :D i dont do emos, racism, or narcism. well, im not sure about the narcism part. <333 haha, well,,, I LOVE YOU!